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Public inquiry needed to provide answers

Public inquiry needed to provide answers

Editor: I am writing about the robocall election fraud scandal that has recently been uncovered.
Behaviour very disrespetful

Behaviour very disrespetful

Editor: Last Monday, Oct. 5, many of us were treated to a fabulous concert with Maria Muldaur and her excellent jug band. It was very high energy and great fun.
Chep shot political mailouts

Chep shot political mailouts

Editor: In his recent bulk mail out, our Conservative MP John Weston asserts, "As an academic, Michael Ignatieff is used to being able to say anything he likes without consequences.
Celebrate small business

Celebrate small business

This month is an important one in the province if you are a business leader and more specifically, own or operate a small business.
Safety awareness for your kids

Safety awareness for your kids

Editor: On behalf of the Canadian Centre for Missing Children, the Gibsons Lions Club will be providing child ID kits and safety awareness program for the children in our community.
No means no

No means no

Editor: What part of no does Pan Pacific Aggregates (PPA) and their private investors not understand? For the last five years, residents, all local governments, and the Shishalh First Nations people have come together clearly stating their opposition
The Bountiful blight

The Bountiful blight

As journalists, we have the opportunity to meet many amazing people. Some are quiet and humble, some are loud and in your face. But what most of them have in common is a crusade, a desire to make our world a better place for their fellow citizens.
Loss brings with it a lesson

Loss brings with it a lesson

It was ironic that on Oct. 12, as my column about my Ukrainian grandmother came out, I got a call at work saying my Irish grandmother, Grandma Yeomans, had passed away.
Someone needs to pay attention

Someone needs to pay attention

Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank the hundreds of residents of Roberts Creek who signed the petition calling for a traffic light at Roberts Creek Road and Highway 101.
How can we ever believe them now

How can we ever believe them now

Editor: It was interesting to see how Pan Pacific Aggregates (PPA) supporters from another country could swing a majority of votes in favor of PPA on your poll (Coast Reporter, Oct.