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Can't agree on clean energy source

Can't agree on clean energy source

Editor: Peter Schober of Renewable Power Corporation chastizes those who criticize his project as non-authorities on B.C.power requirements (Coast Reporter, Aug. 14).
Blessings for My Father's House

Blessings for My Father's House

Editor: In the hustle and bustle of trying to accomplish everything on our "to-do list," I happened to take the time to try again to visit a place I have been hearing about, mainly to find a book to read a good Christian book.
Festival Flare

Festival Flare

Another glorious Sunshine Coast weekend is history and another two successful festivals are fait accompli.
Please leave my library alone

Please leave my library alone

The following letter was sent to Premier Gordon Campbell and copied to Coast Reporter. Dear Premier Campbell: I am asking that the grant money that the public libraries receive not be cut.
Curbside recycling or more taxes?

Curbside recycling or more taxes?

Editor: Ms. Anderson, is your letter (Coast Reporter, Aug. 14) really about curbside recycling (CR) fee for service or is it really about possible tax increases? Triple-bottom-line accounting was used throughout the recycling review.
Revisit handyDART cuts

Revisit handyDART cuts

The SCRD has cut handy-DART services due to budget restraints. This has a big impact on those of us who need handy-DART for our mobility.
Strike reaching critical mass

Strike reaching critical mass

Don't get sick or injured next weekend. If you do, there may not be an ambulance or paramedic around to assist you. That's the troubling and alarming news in the ongoing B.C. paramedics' strike.
In 2009, ignorance is not bliss

In 2009, ignorance is not bliss

This year's writers' festival is history. And what a festival it was. Events conspired to make this year's tribute to the written arts nearly perfect. And except for some mighty chilly moments in the pavilion on Friday morning, it hit the mark.
Questioning Martiquet's facts

Questioning Martiquet's facts

Dr. Martiquet's "Parent's guide to immunization" (Coast Reporter, Aug. 7) is inaccurate when he wrote "... serious side effects occur only about once in every million doses, something that can be treated quickly and effectively.
Translink in the candy machine

Translink in the candy machine

TransLink day passes are available in the candy vending machines in the Langdale ferry waiting room at the Horseshoe Bay terminal. I discovered this several years ago after calling TransLink. But be forewarned: you must really search for them.