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Smoke alarms save lives

Smoke alarms save lives

A few seconds - that's sometimes all you might have to get you and your family to safety in the event of a house fire. Those precious seconds are increased when you have a working smoke alarm.
Who would have won if budgets were even?

Who would have won if budgets were even?

I wonder who would have won the 2011 municipal election if everyone campaigned with the same budget? The thought occurred to me this week while poring over pages of financial statements from the last local election.
The fight has just begun

The fight has just begun

Editor: In response to Shelagh Nerney's letter (Coast Reporter, March 23) there are plenty of resources available for those who have concerns about the installation of smart meters being thrust upon us all over Canada and the U.S.
Higher fares equal fewer riders

Higher fares equal fewer riders

Editor: I have only lived on the Coast for six years, yet cannot remember a single year when ferry fares did not increase. The B.C.
Where is the teaching?

Where is the teaching?

Editor: We need to ask three questions when talking about the current teachers' dispute: Why do so many parents need to hire tutors to help their children do their schoolwork? Why are so many parents required to help with children's homework, which t
A child's worst nightmare

A child's worst nightmare

Seeing pictures of Graham James, the former hockey coach who was convicted of two counts of sexual assault this week, has many parents wondering just how this monster could prey on these young men.
Smarting from meter errors?

Smarting from meter errors?

Editor: Like Sarah Vatnsdal (Coast Reporter letters, March 16), I too saw my Hydro bill suddenly increase when my smart meter was installed. I'm a very careful user of electricity, and normally pay Hydro $120 to $150 for two months.
Value added comes from collaboration

Value added comes from collaboration

Editor: I wish to respond to the letter by Hans Penner (Coast Reporter, March 2) insinuating that Ken Sneddon is not involved in value-added. That is patently false, although I suspect it is because of a lack of knowledge on Penner's part.
Hoping for a safe return

Hoping for a safe return

I must admit, I did not know Greg Welstead that well. I wouldn't say that I consider him a friend, more of a community source and a friend of the newspaper.
Make our voices heard in Ottawa

Make our voices heard in Ottawa

Editor: In the last federal election, 61 per cent of Canadian voters cast ballots for change, not for the Conservative party. However, the vote was split and our electoral system gave Stephen Harper's government a majority of seats in Parliament.