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FAC deserves our thanks

FAC deserves our thanks

In a recent editorial, we questioned B.C. Ferries and, more specifically, the provincial government and their apathy towards implementing recommendations to improve the ferry service contained in the comptroller's report from late last year.
Help control broom in our neighbourhoods

Help control broom in our neighbourhoods

We see the brilliant yellow patches everywhere in June - scotch broom along roadsides, each year in more and larger patches. Some love the colour and scent, others loathe it, but what matters is that it is a highly invasive and dangerous plant.
Ferries leave accountability at the dock

Ferries leave accountability at the dock

I am writing the Richter Scale this month from the driver's seat of my car. Not to worry, though. I am safely aboard the Queen of Surrey, heading back to the Sunshine Coast after a weekend in the city.
Consistent information needed

Consistent information needed

Cathie Roy called them "opinions posed as questions," Coast Reporter, June 5. Was, "what is your program success rate an opinion? No - it's a simple question that deserved an answer.
Both sides need reporting

Both sides need reporting

The residentsof Area E have serious concerns regarding a transition house on Pratt Road, as witnessed by thepacked Elphinstone Electors Association meeting June 10.
Oppression is not a rarity

Oppression is not a rarity

I was born in Iran and have lived in Canada for decades. One of the reasons I left was the systematic persecution my family and I were subjected to because we are Baha'is.
A privilege to be a grad

A privilege to be a grad

It's that time of year again - the time when all the Grade 12 girls drag the far more reluctant boys to buy their suits and a tie the exact shade of her dress; the dress she bought months ago in anticipation of the big night - graduation.
Babies need adopting at home

Babies need adopting at home

Re: Hearts of Hope (Coast Reporter, May 29). The Wilson family have done a wonderful job with three children. They are at school with my grandchildren and I admire Erin and Richard for their delightful family.
Precious commodity wasted

Precious commodity wasted

Two summers ago, residents up and down the Coast protested to protect it and blocked roads to fight for it. Governments including the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) formed a local board of health and went to court for control of it.
Don't close Pender's landfill

Don't close Pender's landfill

Huge semis pulling three open-top trailers full of Pender Harbour garbage could soon be lumbering through the streets of Sechelt if the regional district gets its way at a meeting in Madeira Park Saturday.