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Stop killing, start relocating

Editor: Once again a cougar has been pointlessly murdered on the Coast. With probably less than 20,000 cougars left in North America, we cannot afford to keep killing these cats.


Once again a cougar has been pointlessly murdered on the Coast. With probably less than 20,000 cougars left in North America, we cannot afford to keep killing these cats.

It is regrettable that livestock and pets are killed by cougars, but people know where they live, they know there is a risk and provisions should be made on an individual basis to make sure their animals are safe.

In the same instance that one should not leave out trash for the risk of a bear eating it, neither should animals be left unattended overnight where cougars can get to them.

It is very rare that a cougar attack will take place on humans, and though I understand people's concern, I am disgusted by the actions of the conservation officers who deal with the hunting of cougars.

If a cougar is in sight to be shot, then it is in sight to be shot by a tranquilizing gun rather than live ammunition. There is no reason why the cats cannot be tranquilized and moved out of a human populated area and back into the mountains.

We must learn that wildlife has always been here, but very soon will not be here because someone thinks it is better to destroy than to relocate.

In a country where we do not believe in the death sentence for humans for premeditated and pointless murders, why should it be any different for cougars that are following their natural instinct to kill other animals for food? They don't kill for fun, but to survive.

Stop killing, start tranquilizing and relocating.

David Hill
