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A night in the television lights

A night in the television lights

My close friends and family have always known I had a passion for a different kind of journalism - broadcast journalism. Growing up in Saskatchewan and then B.C.
Taking the long way around

Taking the long way around

Why don't you take the long way? Anyone who's heard this question recognizes its sarcasm. After 27 years of being asked this, I still don't have an answer. But I do have a question: why not? I like challenges, I always have.
The poison pen letter

The poison pen letter

Email is quickly becoming the new poison pen medium - just ask Bill Bennett.
Big box debate

Big box debate

Is Wal-Mart coming to town? That's the million dollar question that many in this community seem convinced is true. We tried to get to the bottom of this mystery this week (see story page A1), but the development company remains tight-lipped.
Inspired to be better

Inspired to be better

Have you ever known someone who inspired you to be a better person? I have the pleasure of knowing a handful of such people.
Sometimes there isn't fire where there's smoke

Sometimes there isn't fire where there's smoke

I'm a smoker. There, I've said it. I realize the stigma around smoking today makes me the equivalent of a modern day leper, but it's a decision, a bad one, I made years ago.
Pickton trial is the ultimate test

Pickton trial is the ultimate test

Robert William Pickton - innocent until proven guilty. Not so for some of the folks writing about or observing his trial this week.
Singing the sultan's praises

Singing the sultan's praises

I live in a home ruled by a cat, a little sultan of swat who is never shy about telling his minions when they've displeased him. I realize there are some people who actually, dare I say it, dislike cats.
Cuts like a knife

Cuts like a knife

The provincial government is under fire after its latest round of announced funding cuts.
Fight has only just begun

Fight has only just begun

It's a start. As residents rallied for Highway 101 safety improvements Monday morning, Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon announced a $1.