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What's a powerful alternative?

What's a powerful alternative?

The Sunshine Coast is being flooded with independent power producers and run-of-river hydro projects. One proposed for the Tzoonie River watershed is in the environmental review stage.
The revolution was televised

The revolution was televised

President Barack Obama - as of about nine a.m. PST on Tuesday, it's the first time in my budding journalism career I have been able to put those words together. His inauguration drew in about 1.8 million people, American and otherwise.
Rock re-do

Rock re-do

It's going to take a bit more time before a neighbourhood plan is completed for Gospel Rock, but what's wrong with that? If we want to get it right, having more consultation and getting the public more involved is a good thing, isn't it? In November,
Funding frenzy

Funding frenzy

It appears Christmas has come a little late for several organizations on the Coast - but we suspect they are not in the least disappointed. Community Futures will be taking advantage of $3 million from the State for Western Economic Diversification.
Internet or newspaper, you choose

Internet or newspaper, you choose

In Grade 6 (1983), my class was led into a room at the far end of a hallway on the second floor of St. Avila Elementary School. We were given a look at the two coveted Apple computers our school had just acquired. Look is the operative word.
Whacky weather brings out the inner snowman in all of us

Whacky weather brings out the inner snowman in all of us

It's amazing what a little, or in this case, a lot of snow will bring out in people. The first gentle snowfall tends to bring out the wonder in most of us. We stick out our tongues and revel in the cold crispness of frozen rain.
If you take the risk, you should pay for that risk

If you take the risk, you should pay for that risk

The lure of fresh powder the past few weeks on the South Coast has been very appealing to skiers.
A year of ups and downs

A year of ups and downs

It's hard to take a full year's worth of news, sports and arts and entertainment and condense it into a few pages in our Year in Review edition, but somehow we have done it.
Snow clearing: not so much

Snow clearing: not so much

The South Coast has been hit hard the past few weeks - bringing snow and lots of it. You would think that with this smack of winter, road crews would be out there clearing our streets, making it at least a bit easier to get around.
A sea of change

A sea of change

Many wanted a change, and boy, did they get it on Saturday night. Governments on the Sunshine Coast look a lot different following the municipal election.