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Enclosed dog park needed

Enclosed dog park needed

Editor: The Sunshine Coast is in need of one or more enclosed, off-leash dog parks designated for exclusive use by dogs. Many communities have recognized that dogs and children using the same playground does not work. Kamloops has five.
Stock taking in January

Stock taking in January

January, for me, as for many of you, is stock-taking month. It's time to take the blinkers off and really look at the person in the mirror, scary as that is.
Sewage: very forward thinking

Sewage: very forward thinking

Editor: We would like to thank the Sechelt sewage facilities commission, District of Sechelt council and staff for their part in the decision to proceed with the trial offered by Ledcor CMI Ltd.
BEN system doesn't work

BEN system doesn't work

Editor: Having noted the moronically stupid Sechelt dog bylaw, and the promise of even more idiocy to come, I now realize the purpose of the bylaw enforcement notice (BEN) system.
Retired judge says thanks

Retired judge says thanks

Editor: I have had the privilege of serving for three years as the resident provincial court judge on the Sunshine Coast.
Help Haiti re-build

Help Haiti re-build

The images on television Tuesday night were shocking, sad and heart-breaking. A magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck near Port-Au-Prince in Haiti, toppling buildings in seconds, trapping residents in the rubble and killing thousands.
Vandalizm is disturbing

Vandalizm is disturbing

Editor: On behalf of the directors and members of the West Sechelt Community Association, I write to express our disgust with an act of vandalism that saw the flag pole on the lawn of one of our neighbours destroyed.
Weston: more action needed

Weston: more action needed

The following was sent to member of Parliament John Weston and copied to Coast Reporter. At your recent Town Hall Meeting in Sechelt (Dec.
Déjà vu on the Sunshine Coast

Déjà vu on the Sunshine Coast

Yogi Berra, the legendary New York Yankees catcher, has a knack for mangling the English language in a manner that's both funny and appropriate at the same time.
For shame; get back to work

For shame; get back to work

Editor: Isn't it rather ironic that our own federal government seeks to avoid democratic process while we have sons and daughters fighting and dying in a foreign country to bring them that same process? For shame, Prime Minister.