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You call this traffic calming?

You call this traffic calming?

On Aug. 3, the recently installed traffic calming on O'Shea Road was given a trial when a unique musical event happened that hot, sunny day. Where street parking was available, we now have traffic calming barriers.
Congrats for Pride weekend

Congrats for Pride weekend

I would like to congratulate Gibsons on the advent of its very first Pride Weekend.
Court system in peril

Court system in peril

A lack of provincial court judges, delays in trials, even cases thrown out and alleged criminals let back onto our streets - these all combine to make a dire situation, one that could get even worse on the Sunshine Coast and other communities unless
Get the facts before judging

Get the facts before judging

Michael Poole is hardly an authority on B.C. power requirements (Coast Reporter letters, July 31).
Questions to ponder

Questions to ponder

A few questions to ponder, before jumping on the curbside recycling pick up program. One might ask, what will curbside pick-up cost the rural taxpayers? We hear $60, then $80, even $120 increase in taxes for curbside pick-up.
Rec centre concerns

Rec centre concerns

On a recent trip to the Gibsons and Area Commu-nity Centre, I couldn't help notice how much of our tax money is being poured into a facility we are barely even using.
Can anyone spell recall?

Can anyone spell recall?

We have always voted Liberal, with the exception of last year when we voted against the carbon tax.
Creek traffic light needed

Creek traffic light needed

When I read a letter in Coast Reporter months ago by Yvonne Mounsey, I immediately called her. Years ago I thought how lights were very needed in Roberts Creek, but I am not part of the community there. Reading Mrs.
Fight now or pay later

Fight now or pay later

While it's very nice that shopkeepers who sell tangibles will save some money on bookkeeping hours, the reality is that every service professional needed for business or for home will cost seven per cent more.
IPPs take a hit with ruling

IPPs take a hit with ruling

When the B.C. Public Utilities Commission (PUC) shot down the Campbell government's vaunted green energy plan last week, the controversial independent power projects (IPPs) took a withering broadside.