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In favour of water meters

In favour of water meters

Editor: I use water very carefully. I'm sure many people do; but there are too many who think we have an endless supply. I'm in favour of water meters. It's only fair that people pay for the amount they use.
From Saskatchewan with love

From Saskatchewan with love

Say it with me now. "Sass-cat-chew-win. Sasscat-chewwin. Saskatchewan." Now that we're all saying it right, with the "win" and not a "wan" (though when you're from there you just say "Skatchwin"), I can tell you where I'm headed.
The spirit of our community

The spirit of our community

The spirit and love that people have for this community continues to astound and amaze us. The 41st annual Sea Cavalcade festival is in the books for another year.
The recycling wars continue

The recycling wars continue

Editor: I empathize with Rhona Kelly (Coast Reporter letters, July 24). I'll miss recycling my paper, newspaper and cardboard at the friendly Gibsons Recycling Depot. Yes, it's a private business, and business decisions are its prerogative.
Water violators beware

Water violators beware

Editor: I find it interesting to walk around my neighborhood and observe some of my neighbors ignoring sprinkling restrictions.
More recycling options needed

More recycling options needed

Editor: It was a very nice ad the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) submitted to the July 24 edition of Coast Reporter, extolling democracy and complimenting Gibsons Recycling Depot on their "excellent level of free service in community recycli
Time to ban lawn watering

Time to ban lawn watering

The following letter was sent to the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) and copied to Coast Reporter. I understand the need for the new restrictions on water usage.
Clean up the beach logs

Clean up the beach logs

Re: Beach fire in the Creek (Coast Reporter, July 10) Editor: Nowhere else in the world do we see beaches polluted with cut logs like we do here in B.C.
Bylaw is a doggone joke

Bylaw is a doggone joke

Big Brother is watching you. OK, maybe not you, but your friendly and trusty companion.
Can recycling issues be fixed?

Can recycling issues be fixed?

The following letter was sent to West Howe Sound director Lee Turnbull and copied to Coast Reporter. Dear Lee: I am one local resident who has made good use of the Gibsons Recycling Depot.