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Alternative school a success

Alternative school a success

Editor: I would like to take a moment to recognize the Sunshine Coast Alternative School, specifically the Horizons program, and all the great things they do for the community.
Get to know your neighbours

Get to know your neighbours

Editor: As a resident of the contentious Creekside neighbourhood and a mobile home owner, I would like to chime in on this debate.
Coyotes are innocent creatures

Coyotes are innocent creatures

Editor: Re: "Coyote increase is disturbing" (Coast Reporter letters, June 18). I have spent most of my life living in North Vancouver, and have had coyotes around me for 30 years. They rarely come out during the day.
Lots of questions with OCP

Lots of questions with OCP

Editor: Sechelt's new official community plan (OCP), a daunting document of 200-plus pages, passed first reading at the June 16 council meeting. There will likely be a public hearing on it in July or September.
Gospel Rock meeting critical

Gospel Rock meeting critical

Editor: The Gospel Rock public information meeting this coming Monday, June 28, will be a critical one to attend if residents want to continue influencing, at critical stages, the direction the Gospel Rock planning process is taking.
Gospel Rock: time to have your say

Gospel Rock: time to have your say

Monday night in Gibsons could prove to be a pivotal one for the future of Gospel Rock. The first major public consultation on the latest draft of the proposed neighbourhood plan takes place starting at 6 p.m. at the Gibsons and Area Community Centre.
Vandalism with a capital V

Vandalism with a capital V

Oftentimes I hear people wondering why newspapers, including ours, seem to focus on what's wrong with our society. They want to see more good news stories, especially on the front page.
Nature created a two-hand world

Nature created a two-hand world

Editor: Re: "Chat students start gay-straight alliance" (Coast Reporter, June 4). When my children matured, I told them that, in general, people are right-handed.
Tough decision: well done, Dad

Tough decision: well done, Dad

Editor: I can't imagine the impact the recent fire in Lower Gibsons has had on those directly affected.
Join Hands across the sand

Join Hands across the sand

Editor: An international event is taking place on Saturday, June 26, on beaches across North America and the world. It is called Hands Across the Sand.