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Gov't arts funding arbitrary

Gov't arts funding arbitrary

The following letter was sent to Rich Coleman Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, and copied to Coast Reporter. In recent weeks, it has become clear that the B.C.
Have some patience, people

Have some patience, people

Editor: I am writing in regards to the ignorant people who pass on the right, especially at transit bus/school bus stops. We see this all the time at Poplars Trailer Park in the 1400 block of Highway 101 just outside Gibsons.
Coyote increase disturbing

Coyote increase disturbing

Editor: As a 30-year resident of the Sunshine Coast, I am disturbed with the increase in the coyote population. While heading to the 6:20 a.m.
A lack of accountability

A lack of accountability

The provincial government continues to let the justice system in this community fall apart, and our community can't seem to do much about it.
Where is the service Mr. Hahn?

Where is the service Mr. Hahn?

Editor: I received an emailed service notice at the onset of the recent B.C. Ferries fiasco shortly after noon on Friday, June 4. It stated: 11:45 a.m.
Zero waste well attended

Zero waste well attended

Editor: An important event occurred the last weekend in May - the Zero Waste Workshop put on by Sunshine Coastal Environmental Sustain-ability Society (SuCESS).
Support has been overwhelming

Support has been overwhelming

Words cannot describe the devastation of the fire that consumed Coles Marine Diesel and the Wynken Blynken Nod (WBN) Backpackers B&B last Friday, June 4.
Prime Minister: do the right thing

Prime Minister: do the right thing

The following letter was sent to the Prime Minister's office and copied to Coast Reporter for publication Dear Prime Minister: Monday, May 31, 2010 will go down in history as a day of infamy.
Lack of service after breakdown

Lack of service after breakdown

Editor: Last Friday we made a trip to Vancouver planning to return on the 7:20 p.m. ferry and with that in mind, we came through West Vancouver at 6:20.
Wal-Mart: agree, disagree

Wal-Mart: agree, disagree

Editor: I agree and disagree with the letter residents deserve choice (Coast Reporter, letters, June 4). I have seen big box stores result in the loss of family businesses on my side and my wife's side of the family.