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Pension plans attack vulnerable citizens

Editor: After Canadians elected a federal Conservative majority government, it was just a matter of time before their ideological fangs would be snarling at us.


After Canadians elected a federal Conservative majority government, it was just a matter of time before their ideological fangs would be snarling at us.

The proposed raising of the age of eligibility to collect the OAS pension will attack the poorest future seniors 65 and older who will suffer from this unnecessary change. Even with increased numbers of baby boomers set to collect these pensions, the cost to government would be modest, especially relative to other developed nations.

After all, it is just a matter of the government's priorities, and the well being of our poorest seniors should come close to the top of that list.

If changes are to be made, and there is no evidence to support that being necessary, perhaps the claw-back threshold should be lowered rather than throwing the poorest seniors under the Conservatives bus wheels. Tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy that are paid for by cuts to the programs that support our most vulnerable citizens should be opposed by all of us.

Neil Edmunds
