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Opposed to Bill 22

Opposed to Bill 22

Editor: To pass a bill that breaks constitution and international law seems unbelievable. That is what the Liberal government is about to do. This bill will not only deny the B.C.
Feeding the youth need

Feeding the youth need

The next time you sit down to a home-cooked meal, be sure to give thanks for the gifts that are before you. Many youth on the Coast do not have the chance to give thanks for those kinds of blessings.
Trap ban: it's your turn Sechelt

Trap ban: it's your turn Sechelt

Editor: Last year, here on the Sunshine Coast, a dog and a cat got caught in a leg hold trap. I'm shocked to hear that recently a Barred Owl got caught in a leg-hold trap in Surrey.
Thank you to the teachers in my life

Thank you to the teachers in my life

Editor: Who was your favourite teacher? What did he or she teach you? Some of my teachers have made a big difference in my life; in fact, most of my teachers have taught me a valuable lesson or two.
Robocalls require further investigation

Robocalls require further investigation

Editor: It is clear now that illegal robo-calls took place in key swing ridings all over the country. It takes substantial finances and a large database to specify non-Conservative voters in multiple ridings.
Tourism has greater potential than logging

Tourism has greater potential than logging

Editor: Harsh words were spoken by Mike Bowering and Ken Sneddon regarding the general opinion of the "real" community (Coast Reporter letters, Feb. 24).
Golf committee only advises

Golf committee only advises

Editor: As a member of the Sechelt golf course advisory committee, I feel it is important to respond to community concerns about the mandate of our committee, which is of an advisory role.
Celebrating powerful women

Celebrating powerful women

In this profession, we have the privilege to tell some inspiring stories about some amazing people in this community. We have artists and entertainers, philanthropists and activists, volunteers and athletes.
There are never too many

There are never too many

This past week I had cause to remember one of my youngest son's profound observations. He was five and wanting to tell me a very important story of something that had happened to him at school. He started off by calling me Mrs.
Show respect for our democracy

Show respect for our democracy

The following letter was sent to member of Parliament John Weston and copied to Coast Reporter. The serious nature of the robo-call affair is not to be trivialized.