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Loss brings with it a lesson

Loss brings with it a lesson

It was ironic that on Oct. 12, as my column about my Ukrainian grandmother came out, I got a call at work saying my Irish grandmother, Grandma Yeomans, had passed away.
Column a disservice to consumers

Column a disservice to consumers

Editor: Paul Martiquet's column "Is organic better for you?" (Coast Reporter, Oct.
A first for China? You bet

A first for China? You bet

Editor: The Canada China Foreign Investment and Protection Agreement (FIPA) was negotiated in secrecy and signed by Stephen Harper and the Chinese leadership at the APEC Summit in Vladivostok, Russia. It was tabled in Parliament weeks later on Sept.
The forest must be saved

The forest must be saved

Editor: We were shocked to read, in two ads (Coast Reporter, Nov. 2) that the Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF) intends to proceed with logging what we have come to know as the Wilson Creek forest, Block EW002.
Noise bylaw on council's agenda

Noise bylaw on council's agenda

Editor: I notice that the noise bylaw is on the council agenda with a staff recommendation for enactment in due course. It seems to me that there are two specific changes that may be of interest to the public at large.
Where is sustainability for taxpayers

Where is sustainability for taxpayers

Editor: I was delighted to read in Coast Reporter, Nov. 2, that 11 electric car-charging stations are now being built on our Sunshine Coast. I feel sure that the 81 electric car owners in B.C.
Show the forest the respect it deserves

Show the forest the respect it deserves

Editor: I read with interest that the Sunshine Coast Community Forest is resuming its "harvesting" of the forest in Wilson Creek. The word harvest is used here to suggest a reasoned and caring approach to the management of our forests.
Government give-away

Government give-away

Editor: The Stephen Harper government, contrary to his election promise for openness and transparency, has negotiated the most sweeping trade dealsince NAFTA,with China, and he is about tocommit Canada to it,without a single debate or vote.
Elves Club seeks support

Elves Club seeks support

Editor: On behalf of the Elves Club I am writing to ask Coast residents for their financial support to help with the Christmas hamper distribution.
Is this a good legacy?

Is this a good legacy?

Editor: The Narrows Inlet hydro project is proposing to drain three more alpine lakes to generate power in addition to the one they are already draining, Tyson Lake. They call these projects run-of-the-river, but this is a misnomer.