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Why are we ignoring the OCP?

Why are we ignoring the OCP?

Editor: Regarding the proposed George Hotel construction,I will state upfront that I am one of the Gibsons residents who stand to lose a portion of my view. However, I am not a NIMBY. I do support the economic benefits of this project.
Less talk more action

Less talk more action

Editor: I am confused as to why there was abrainstorming session planned to ask people where they think smoking should be banned outdoors on the Coast and in what areas they would like to see this done.
GMOs: more facts to consider

GMOs: more facts to consider

Editor: Reading the health article In Consideration of GMOs, (Coast Reporter, Jan. 31), I wish I could agree that all GMOs are benign.
George discourse discouraging

George discourse discouraging

Editor: The level of discourse on the subject of the George has truly reached a new low. For those folks not on Facebook, you are lucky.
Chamber weighs in on George

Chamber weighs in on George

Editor: In light of recent events which are taking place within our business community, I feel compelled to weigh in on what can only be considered controversial tactics by individuals and groups within our community who are opposed to a pending deve
Tactics are purely political

Tactics are purely political

Editor: If the Town of Gibsons or any local government were to officially authorize any unsolicited report performed by anyone with professional certifications, we could flood Town Hall with a plethora of sparkly letterheads containing conflicting "p
It is time to compromise

It is time to compromise

Editor: It is time for the proponent of The George to compromise. So far the only thing we are seeing is The George tearing the citizens of our town apart.
More facts about bats

More facts about bats

Editor: I was happy to see a write-up extolling the tremendous benefit of having bats in our midst (Coast Reporter, Jan. 31). However, I would like to add a caution to the request for reporting bat sightings.
Kudus to Dr. Martiquet

Kudus to Dr. Martiquet

Editor: Dr. Martiquet, you are a very brave man. There will be knee-jerk reactions to this column (Coast Reporter, Jan. 31). You state correctly that after three-trillion meals with GMOs no one has been harmed.
Prison is not the classroom of the future

Prison is not the classroom of the future

Editor: The research that is necessary to decide why special education teachers are needed in our classrooms is critical and needs to be addressed immediately in our public schools. Recently the federal government announced a $6.