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A hand up from Habitat

A hand up from Habitat

Two more families have a warm and safe place to call their own this week thanks to the hard working and diligent volunteers from Habitat for Humanity Sunshine Coast. This wonderful organization continues to make a major impact on the Coast.
Gossip now or news later?

Gossip now or news later?

I attended my first crime scene this week, the shootings at Christenson Village. One of the many things I observed confirmed firsthand what I have come to see as people's general obsession with knowing everything right now - even if it's gossip.
No easy answers

No easy answers

Tuesday was a day that started just like any other on the Coast. Some of us went to work, some of us didn't. At just after 4 p.m. on that tragic day, it became a Tuesday like no other the Coast has ever seen.
In like a lion, out with a roar

In like a lion, out with a roar

March came on like a lion, with more snow and ugly weather, and for some, an ugly economic forecast. It's been a tough month for many in our fine community, but we have the right tonic for the March blues as we finish the month with a roar.
Crying the budget blues

Crying the budget blues

Budgets are never easy - just ask the government leaders on the Sunshine Coast. For the past month and a half, directors and staff at the Sunshine Coast Regional District have been locked in an exhaustive struggle with their 2009 budget.
What is the value of news?

What is the value of news?

Ross Howard, a Langara College journalism instructor and former reporter for Globe and Mail and Toronto Star, appeared on CBC television Tuesday saying the city of Vancouver will likely always have a daily newspaper, but none of us should be surprise
Islanders left high and dry

Islanders left high and dry

Imagine living in a remote area where the only access to the mainland is either by a passenger ferry or your own private vessel.
The power of sport

The power of sport

The Town of Gibsons has a chance to do something pretty special for sport, recreation and tourism. This week, Gibsons Minor Ball Association rolled out its plans to improve the Ryan Dempster Field of Dreams in Brothers Park.
More than deer in the headlights

More than deer in the headlights

Once, not too long ago, "a deer in the headlights" was only an expression to me. Not any more. I now have personal knowledge of just what a deer in the headlights looks like. Believe me, it's not a sight you want to see.
Caught in the budget crunch

Caught in the budget crunch

Directors and staff at the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) have been burning the midnight oil the past few weeks, crunching the numbers in the hopes of finalizing a budget that will continue to provide services to Coast residents, while not h