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So long - and thanks for all the fish?

So long - and thanks for all the fish?

The normally idyllic B.C. media backwater of the Sunshine Coast became a maelstrom of planes, bears and recounts over the past week.
Let's give thanks every day

Let's give thanks every day

Election fatigue has set in. This is irony at its best. I haven't lived here long enough to be able to vote, but because of this job, I know who all the candidates are and actually have a solid opinion on who I would vote for.
It's decision day

It's decision day

D-Day is Saturday on the Sunshine Coast and in communities across B.C. The municipal elections are finally coming to a conclusion. But there is still a major part all of us have to play - voting.
Don't become another statistic

Don't become another statistic

According to ICBC and the RCMP, drinking and driving remains the number-one criminal cause of death in Canada, killing an average of 116 British Columbians and injuring more than 3,100 more each year. Those are sobering statistics.
A rock and a hard place

A rock and a hard place

Was a proper democratic process followed on Tuesday night? It's a question that is debatable depending on what side of the fence or, in this case, the rock, that you stand on. At their Oct.
Here's to more treats than tricks

Here's to more treats than tricks

Today marks the celebration of all things spooky, and for once no politician is involved, unless of course you count the upswing in Sarah Palin masks and wigs, but that's another column altogether.
Political rhetoric at its worst

Political rhetoric at its worst

What all seemed lost just a few weeks ago has been restored, albeit it for a little while, mind you, but at least restored. Our faith in the provincial government and B.C.
Choose your words carefully, politicos

Choose your words carefully, politicos

If it's a given that rhetoric ramps up in election season, the Sunshine Coast is in the eye of a public relations hurricane right now.
Municipal elections matter

Municipal elections matter

Tough times call for tough people. The 'r' word is being floated all around us these days. The pundits are saying our dollar, worth over $1.10 American just a year ago, could suddenly shrink to $.70 American.
Internet shopping for a child

Internet shopping for a child

I love looking at websites with pets that are up for adoption and reading about their little personalities.