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Watch for deer - 'tis the season

Editor: As the autumn unfolds, just a reminder to drivers to pay attention to the roadsides for deer - and slow down.


As the autumn unfolds, just a reminder to drivers to pay attention to the roadsides for deer - and slow down. Male deer are focused on one thing at this time of year, and all that testosterone makes them a bit crazed, causing them to leap out of forest and ditch and run headlong into vehicles of every size, shape and speed.

I had the unfortunate experience last November of having one literally jump out of the ditch headlong into the hood of my car. Wrecked my car, a day's work lost, and the horror of finding the deer still alive and having to wait for the conservation officer to come from the other end of the Coast and put the poor thing out of its misery - not a day I'd recommend to anyone.

Save yourself the trauma. Slow down, pay attention, expect the unexpected.

Victoria Gazely
