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Positive healing experience

Editor: Having just returned from a mental health healing farm in North Carolina, which will serve as a model for Cottage Farm, I would like to share my experience.


Having just returned from a mental health healing farm in North Carolina, which will serve as a model for Cottage Farm, I would like to share my experience.

The individuals I met there were insightful and articulate, well on their way on the road to recovery. They are in direct contrast to the perceived image many of us have of the mentally ill. They can only enter the program when assessed as not being at risk of harm toward themselves or others and must be able to function as responsible citizens within the small therapeutic community. The environment of the farm was one of beauty, peace and co-operation.

Interestingly, this centre also has an urban campus located directly across from an elementary school, and residents volunteer and work with the children and the school in shared projects. The farm staff noted that as they hold family education weekends where up to 100 loved ones of the residents' visit, rather than deterring tourism, it increases traffic to local businesses and B&Bs and opens up the area to people who wouldn't normally have visited.

I am someone who has a husband, a community and career I love. I was also diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety and psychosis. It took years to recover, but it was the kindness and expertise of others that helped me do it.

Victoria Maxwell

Halfmoon Bay