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Time to elect new trustees

Time to elect new trustees

Editor: What are our Sunshine Coast accountable elected school trustees doing during these costly harmonized sales tax restraint times? Are they restraining themselves? No. On Tuesday, Oct.
Fish industry must clean up its act

Fish industry must clean up its act

Editor: I read with interest the picturesque presentation of the BC salmon farming industry's perspective of itself delivered to my mailbox recently. Words with "farm" as their root appear 45 times.
A sober second look

A sober second look

Most people who enjoy a pint or two while at their favourite watering hole or a glass of wine with dinner have changed their habits since the province introduced strict new drinking and driving laws - and that's a good thing.
Calling all Strata Councils

Calling all Strata Councils

Editor: Taxpayers of Gibsons - you know that the Town will soon be sending you a bill for your metered water.
Goodbye to great friends

Goodbye to great friends

I've been thinking a lot about losses this November. Three in particular have been occupying a lot of my grey matter. We who work in community newspapers are luckier than our counterparts who grace the pages of the big dailies.
Something's gonna hit the fan

Something's gonna hit the fan

Editor: What is the plan for dealing with sewage in the District of Sechelt? On Oct. 25, I went to a public meeting to find out. The Urban Systems company, which was hired (without tender), was paid approximately $70,000 by the DOS.
Thanks for a fabulous art crawl

Thanks for a fabulous art crawl

Editor: The Coast Cultural Alliance would like to thank all the 74 participating studio/galleries forjumping on boardfor the first Langdale to Lund Sunshine Coast Art Crawl.
Campbell's soup finally finished

Campbell's soup finally finished

After months of public scrutiny and backlash over questionable policies and decisions, Premier Gordon Campbell announced his resignation Wednesday morning. Campbell has asked the B.C.
Providing a voice for those forgotten

Providing a voice for those forgotten

I don't have anyone in my family who served in the First or Second World War or in the Korean conflict.
Strata owners and water meters

Strata owners and water meters

Editor: As a homeowner living in a strata complex, I have been waiting to hear from the Town with regard to the installation of a water meter.