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In the Community

Opportunities abound for Sechelt Nation

It's only a few weeks into 2014, but the Sechelt Nation has been busy on a number of rewarding projects. There has been a lot of enthusiasm with our younger people who are pursuing employment opportunities with SEASPAN in North Vancouver.

Planting the seeds of collaboration

An exciting school-community collaborative garden project is being proposed in Roberts Creek. The Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) and School District No.

Sharpen your pruning skills

February is an ideal month for most pruning, so this is the time to sharpen your tools and skills. Next weekend (Jan.

Bicycles for Humanity chapter starts on Coast

Bill and Lyn Charlton of Garden Bay have started a Bicycles for Humanity chapter on the Sunshine Coast, and they're looking for more residents to get involved.

Arctic Air actor loves his role

What's this? The crusty, inventive guy whofixes planesis flying with a search and rescue mission on Arctic Air? If you are fans of the CBC TV show that began its new season on Jan.

Pender/Egmont Highlights

The Pender Harbour Community School has some great programs this month. Tonight Friday, Jan. 17 is family music night from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the School of Music. This is a casual fun night of singing for all ages.

A DIY detox

By the third week of January, even the most resolution-adverse among us typically raise our heads from post-holiday hibernation and realize wed better get with the program any program to detoxify from winter debauchery and excess.

Halfmoon Happenings

If you wish to join the protest against BC Ferry cuts the closest gathering point will be the north end of Redrooffs Road at Highway 101 this Saturday, Jan. 18 at 12:30 p.m.

Gumboot Connection

Tonight, Friday, April 18, the kitchen at the Roberts Creek Legion opens from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. You are invited to come and dine, enjoy live music from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Ride 365 and 52 weeks of trails

Ah, the New Year, a time of fresh beginnings and exciting plans. You may already have resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more, and stress less.