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Support the Gibsons Way changes

Support the Gibsons Way changes

Editor: I am writing to express my strong support for the new traffic changes in Upper Gibsons. Here is a list of reasons why I appreciate Gibsons Way now more than ever:I feel safer when I walk between North and Pratt Road.
Give paramedics your support

Give paramedics your support

Editor: Since April, B.C. paramedics have been on strike to bring the Campbell government to the negotiating table for better wages and working conditions. It's not as if our government officials won't know where we, the public, stand.
Changes are all positive

Changes are all positive

Editor: Now that the initial flurry of letters on the Gibsons Way redesign has settled, I'd like to offer some reflections based on several weeks of cycling the road. For us two-wheelers, it's simple - the changes are for the better.
Rubbermaid can is bear proof for me

Rubbermaid can is bear proof for me

Editor: I have a 20 gallon Rubbermaid garbage can with a lid that fastens with a quarter turn which is opened easily by the garbage truck workers.
Expect more from Community Forest

Expect more from Community Forest

Editor: This is the other side of the coin relative to the recent advertisment submitted by the Community Forest board published in Coast Reporter dated Aug. 7, 2009.
Fire victims offer thanks

Fire victims offer thanks

The following letter was sent to the Roberts Creek fire department and copied to Coast Reporter. Dear firefighters: We are writing to express our profound gratitude for the work you did in the early hours of Aug. 1 on the fire at our family home.
Can't agree on clean energy source

Can't agree on clean energy source

Editor: Peter Schober of Renewable Power Corporation chastizes those who criticize his project as non-authorities on B.C.power requirements (Coast Reporter, Aug. 14).
Blessings for My Father's House

Blessings for My Father's House

Editor: In the hustle and bustle of trying to accomplish everything on our "to-do list," I happened to take the time to try again to visit a place I have been hearing about, mainly to find a book to read a good Christian book.
Festival Flare

Festival Flare

Another glorious Sunshine Coast weekend is history and another two successful festivals are fait accompli.
Please leave my library alone

Please leave my library alone

The following letter was sent to Premier Gordon Campbell and copied to Coast Reporter. Dear Premier Campbell: I am asking that the grant money that the public libraries receive not be cut.