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Developers could give back

Editor: I was disappointed to read that the Town of Gib-sons has decided not to pursue a group of the Gospel Rock developers for their share of the costs the Town paid consultants to work with their subdivision plans (Coast Reporter, Feb. 10).


I was disappointed to read that the Town of Gib-sons has decided not to pursue a group of the Gospel Rock developers for their share of the costs the Town paid consultants to work with their subdivision plans (Coast Reporter, Feb. 10).

Sixty thousand dollars is a lot of money that could be spent in many useful ways.

In my experience, verbal contracts often are enforceable in a court of law.

Perhaps these developers could demonstrate their gratitude for being released from what could have been a costly and possibly losing lawsuit by giving something back to the Town. I propose that they collectively donate to School District No. 46 $10,000 to be used to help fund the shop classes and trades programs now offered by Elphinstone Secondary School. The automotive, woodworking and metal shops each receive only $1,300 for the entire school year to pay for repairs to equipment, consumables and materials for student projects. Not very much in my opinion.

These developers would benefit, in that their donation will help to improve the shops and trades programs and attract more students. Those students who take up a trade could assist the developers with their Gospel Rock projects. The donation will receive a charitable tax receipt.

James Graham
