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BC Hydro are no experts

BC Hydro are no experts

Editor: I find it interesting that Mr. Bengeyfield who wrote a letter (Coast Reporter, Aug. 28) about IPPs has an existing water licence on Owl Creek which is part of the IPP goldrush he is complaining about.
A newspaper mystery

A newspaper mystery

Editor: Two Sechelt residents found a large volume of bound newspapers under a bench in Teredo Square in Sechelt on the evening of Thursday, Aug. 20. The newspapers are copies of the New York Herald dated Jan. 1 to April 30, 1897.
Belated thanks for the rescue

Belated thanks for the rescue

Editor: Somewhat belatedly I offer my heartfelt thanks to the members of the Gibsons volunteer Coast Guard for their kind assistance to me and my crew. The Coast Guard rescued us on July 7 in Shoal Channel one or two miles from Gibsons.
Where does the Styrofoam go?

Where does the Styrofoam go?

Editor: As one of the founding members and a former director of SCRAPS, I would like to respond to the recent letter from Ed Lands (Coast Reporter, Aug. 28).
I would have died last month

I would have died last month

Editor: With the prompt and professional help of the BC Ambulance Services, I am here today to say thanks. Sabrina and Jamie are paramedics who were serving the Sunshine Coast as a part of this local shortage of available paramedics.
Good news the work of many

Good news the work of many

Editor: Mayor Inkster is quite right to laud the good work of municipal staff and councillors in bringing eight badly-needed social housing units to the Coast (Coast Reporter, Aug. 28).
Let the fun and games begin

Let the fun and games begin

Ding, ding let the games begin. The 39th session of the provincial legislature began on Tuesday in Victoria and it promises to be one of the more explosive and interesting political sessions in this province's history.
Set long term recycling goals

Set long term recycling goals

Editor: My wife and I are recent residents/retirees to the beautiful Sunshine Coast from Calgary and would like to offer up a fresh-eyed perspective: is the Sunshine Coast serious about recycling? Shouldn't we set ambitious goals for the future to re
Let's go hydro green

Let's go hydro green

Editor: Thank you for your reportage about the independent power projects (IPP) and the decision of the B.C. Utilities Commission (Coast Reporter, Aug. 14).
Support your local library

Support your local library

Editor: The B.C. government has signaled that it may cut grants to public libraries when it tables a new provincial budget on Sept. 1.