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A week to empower

A week to empower

If you are relaxing with your coffee and enjoying today's newspaper, consider yourself lucky. Did you know that four out of 10 adult Canadians age 16 to 65 - representing nine million Canadians - cannot enjoy that luxury.
Lesson learned: talk to the police

Lesson learned: talk to the police

Editor: I was recently involved in a car accident in Lower Gibsons with a new driver who did a U-turn in front of me. I T-boned the kid and wrote off his car. I did not phone the police because it was very obvious that the kid was at fault.
Smart meters go legal

Smart meters go legal

Editor: The front page story of Coast Reporter, Jan. 6, confirms that a legal challenge is to be made against BC Hydro's smart meter installation program.
Happy New Year honey

Happy New Year honey

Language is such a funny thing. Words that delight one person can have an entirely different effect on another.
MP Weston: please read responses

MP Weston: please read responses

Editor: Recently, John Weston, our member of Parliament, distributed a year-end message titled Seasons Greetings, extolling the achievements of the Harper government, highlighting security, health and well-being, job creation and good government.
Grandmothers thankful for support

Grandmothers thankful for support

Editor: This letter is our way of saying thank you to all who have supported the SC Grandmothers and GrandOthers, the Stephen Lewis Foundation and the tens of thousands of grandmothers in Africa raising their orphaned grandchildren.
Time for us all to review habits

Time for us all to review habits

Editor: Cathie Roy's editorial "Drive to arrive alive" (Coast Reporter, Jan. 6) was pretty one-sided against drivers, and I feel I need to point out there are pedestrians who behave just like the drivers she so scolds.
Smart meters: all about time-of-day billing

Smart meters: all about time-of-day billing

Editor: The old electric meters we had were "totalizer" type meters, much like a water meter. They simply told us how much electricity, in total, we used over a given time period.
A decision for our future

A decision for our future

Editor: The year 2012 has arrived, and with it comes one of the most important decisions British Columbians will ever have to make. It will affect not only us but our children for generations to come.
Rescue volunteers are a special bunch

Rescue volunteers are a special bunch

It's 3 a.m. and you are sound asleep in your bed when suddenly you are startled out of your slumber by the sound of explosions.