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A year on the Coast: ferries, bears, and the fringe

A year on the Coast: ferries, bears, and the fringe

A year ago, new to the Coast and Coast Reporter, I was still enamored of ferry rides, petrified of bumping into bears by night, and trying to gauge if Coast culture was - as a Gibsons-born friend of mine wryly described it - "all fringe and no middle
Kids know better than us

Kids know better than us

Editor: I'm going crazy here worrying about the new cap on the oil, the fires consuming our beautiful province, the fires in Russia and the floods everywhere.
I avoid the bike paths

I avoid the bike paths

Editor: I wish to comment on Reg Armstrong's letter about the use of the bike lanes along Redrooffs Road (Coast Reporter, Aug. 6). I bike along Redrooffs usually at least twice a week riding a road bike.
A little clean-up please

A little clean-up please

Editor: It's a perfect day in Sechelt. Hundreds of dolphins are in Trail Bay this morning (Saturday, Aug. 14). Maybe they are welcoming the many tourists attending the Writers Festival. We do have a pretty little town.
Festival flap is foolish

Festival flap is foolish

We are in full festival swing here on the Sunshine Coast - and what a swing it has been so far.
Lets make better decisions

Lets make better decisions

Editor: I feel compelled to respond to the letter from the Coast Community Builders' Association (Coast Reporter, Aug. 6) in which they endorse the proposed bylaw changes affecting industrial zoning in East Porpoise Bay.
Let the bubble pop

Let the bubble pop

Editor: Re: Supply glut, HST slow real estate market (Coast Reporter, Aug. 13). I couldn't help but laugh at the headline of your article and the rationale presented by the experts quoted in your article.
Tennis courts not a priority?

Tennis courts not a priority?

The following letter was sent to the Sunshine Coast Regional District and copied to Coast Reporter.
I avoid the bike paths

I avoid the bike paths

Editor: I wish to comment on Reg Armstrong's letter about the use of the bike lanes along Redrooffs Road (Coast Reporter, Aug. 6). I bike along Redrooffs usually at least twice a week riding a road bike.
Census stats unreliable

Census stats unreliable

Editor: John Weston mentioned in your paper (Coast Reporter, Aug. 6) that he had received no emails criticizing the cancellation of the mandatory long form census. Well, I was one of those who never wrote to him.