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Local News

Redevelopment of Chekwelp reserve on the horizon

Last Saturday representatives from the Squamish Nation met at Eric Cardinall Hall with their Gibsons waterfront property tenants to talk about redevelopment of the area.

Celebrate spring at Iris Griffith Centre

Capilano College's Eldercollege is expanding its course offerings to entice residents who live in the northern end of the Sunshine Coast.

Hubbs humbled by provincial recognition

You could call him a tireless fundraiser or consummate citizen, but Bill Hubbs said his drive to make the Coast a better place is really just a product of his natural desire to build things.

Mayor has a vision of recovery for the Coast

VisionQuest Recovery Society is once again in the limelight on the Sunshine Coast.

Adam's legacy: Betty the Worm

Adam Katagiri met his sweetheart Dalia al-Kury in Europe in 2002 while he was doing humanitarian work for a peace organization.

Silverback agreement scrutinized

About 80 residents left Tuesday's public meeting at the Sechelt Legion with a better understanding of how the District of Sechelt's development agreement will affect the proposed Silverback residential and resort community development in Tuwanek.

SCRD won't condone logging in watershed

This week's protest against the community forest may have been sparked by a presentation at the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) last Thursday.

Going for gold will take more practice

Editor's note: This is part two of a two-part series looking at the Fine Motor Olympics program currently being offered on the Sunshine Coast.

Letting tourists in on the secret

The Town of Gibsons is pressing for a little clarification from the group behind a long-awaited destination marketing office (DMO) aimed at boosting the Coast's profile for tourism.

Community speaks for salmon and more

More than 70 people turned up at the Sechelt Legion March 5 to hear a short presentation about salmon protection and spent considerably more time talking about habitat concerns, lack of provincial will for ecological protection and how much the commu