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Local News

Vandals target highway signs

Sunshine Coast RCMP are reporting a case of major vandalism which saw 22 highway signs knocked down along Highway 101 last week. The incidents occurred sometime during the night of Sept. 6 or the morning of Sept. 7.

Hot, dry weather increases wildfire risk

A large number of human-caused wildfires and above-normal temperatures across the province have fire officials urging hunters and recreationalists to be extremely careful with campfires in the backcountry.

Campaign launched to promote FASD awareness

Alcohol and pregnancy don't mix. Healthy mothers and babies need everyone's support.

Nominations still being accepted

The countdown is on to complete nominations for the sixth annual MISTIC (Mid-Island Science Technology & Innovation Council) Innovation Awards. Nominations are due on Friday, Sept. 16 and can be made directly on-line at

$500,000 in proceeds of crime to fund community projects

The Civil Forfeiture Crime Remediation and Crime Prevention Grant Funding Program will provide up to $500,000 to organizations across the province for grants ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 to deliver programs that support crime prevention or crime re

Safety first for local educator

Gibsons resident Lars Larsson is being recognized for his pioneering contribution to workplace safety and education.

Pender to get playground upgrade

Pender Harbour Elementary School is one of 44 schools around the province that will be getting new or upgraded playgrounds, thanks to funding from the province. On Friday, Sept.

SCRD adopts new BEN system

After months of meetings, debate and public discussion, the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) has finally adopted a new bylaw enforcement model.

Council shelves government survey

After being asked to fill out a survey from the Ministry of Community, Sports and Cultural Devel-opment on the development of a municipal auditor general (MAG), Gibsons council has decided to put their response on hold.

Camp Kakhamela lets kids be kids

Story: For a majority of kids, summer camp can be a great experience. But for some, it can be a challenge, and children living with Type 1 diabetes are among that group.