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It's story time - hurrah!

It's story time - hurrah!

My favourite weekend of the whole year is coming up, beginning Aug. 14. It's the time when I get to meet some of the most talented people in Canada at the annual Festival of the Written Arts.
Lay a fine, send a message

Lay a fine, send a message

Potential disaster was averted again on the Coast last week by the brave actions of the B.C. Forest Service and our Coastal firefighters.
Not invited to the party

Not invited to the party

If the last eight months were a battle for Blair Wilson, his family and supporters, imagine what the next few months are going to be like as he tries to restore the faith and trust of the voters of this riding? Wilson, the member of Parliament (MP) f
Do chickens have fingers?

Do chickens have fingers?

City raised, but rural in heart and mind, my dad's life work was spent as an agri-banker working with farmers, livestock producers and ranchers, which took our family to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta.
Tourism marketing at its worst

Tourism marketing at its worst

Some people in this community just don't get it.
Always there when you need them

Always there when you need them

We have a wonderful community that can pull together at a moments notice when there is a crisis. Case in point - last Thursday's forest fire in East Porpoise Bay. When we arrived on scene shortly after 2 p.m.
Turn off the tap

Turn off the tap

Sunshine Coast residents use twice as much water per household as the average Canadian with more than 50 per cent of that water consumed during the summer to water our lawns and gardens. It's a distinction we should not be proud of.
Musings about music

Musings about music

The nabobs that know all insist that most memories are triggered by smells.
Coast gets the drive shaft

Coast gets the drive shaft

So did you hear the one about the provincial government that blew off a lot of steam about green house gases and urged the humble folks of said province to find ways to reduce their carbon footprint on good old Mother Earth? Heck, the politicians eve
Prevention key to curtailing youth crime

Prevention key to curtailing youth crime

More than ever before, we have created a world in which we force kids with still developing brains and oftentimes weakened family supports to make complex decisions at younger and younger ages.