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Strange bedfellows

Strange bedfellows

How quickly things can change. A week ago in this space we were bemoaning the prospects of another federal election - the second one in a little over a year.
Take a course in political history

Take a course in political history

Editor: I agree with you that in a functional Parliament we would have no need for an election this year (Coast Reporter, editorial, Sept. 11). Lest we forget the last $300 million election in 2008 was called by Mr.
WestJet wizard shows his stuff

WestJet wizard shows his stuff

Last Sunday, Sept. 13 I had an amazing thing happen. I got thanked. Now some of you might think that's not such a big deal. And indeed in the general scheme of things, it's probably not earth shattering.
Election wisdom escapes us

Election wisdom escapes us

Editor: Your frustration with the distinct possibility of another federal election is understood (Coast Reporter, editorial, Sept. 11). Canadians are election fatigued. That is, the people who vote. People just don't care enough to vote.
FOI helps bring out facts

FOI helps bring out facts

Brent Richter's article "Community Forest puts numbers on the table" (Coast Reporter, Sept. 4) is enormously interesting.
Wrong conclusion in CF motion

Wrong conclusion in CF motion

In his fundamentalist zeal to paint the community forest in a negative light, John Keates draws the wrong conclusion (Coast Reporter letters, Aug. 28).
Arrogance, HST and honesty

Arrogance, HST and honesty

It never fails to amaze me that the longer a political party is in office, the more arrogant they become. This seems to happen at all levels of government. Remember Brian Mulroney.
In defence of Christmas

In defence of Christmas

We all have guilty pleasures - those societally-scorned indulgences we don't confess in good company. Reality TV. Smutty romances. Michael Bublé. Mine happens to be Christmas.
Thanks for a great challenge

Thanks for a great challenge

Editor: Recently I participated in this years Kayak Challenge hosted by Halfmoon Sea Kayaks (also known as Adventure Outfitting and Coastal Adventures) located in Sechelt. I missed the 2008 challenge and was determined to do the 2009 one.
Time for MPs to be leaders

Time for MPs to be leaders

Here we go again. It appears more than likely that for the second time in a little over a year, Canadians will be heading to the polls for a fall election in November.