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No pride in our country

No pride in our country

Editor: On New Year's Eve, my wife and I were enjoying a quiet evening at home. We were unaware of the group of young people passing the front of our home in West Sechelt.
Contempt for democracy

Contempt for democracy

It's a new year, but nothing appears to be different on Parliament Hill. The games continue in Ottawa in the wake of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to prorogue Parliament on Dec.
Tax money hard at work

Tax money hard at work

Editor: Re: New dog bylaw An obviously absurd idea. No! wait a minute maybe they can draft a bylaw to stop cats from killing all our beautiful songbirds - my tax money hard at work. Reto Camenisch Selma Park
Each of us must do better

Each of us must do better

Editor: In Brent Richter's article, "Gibsons council taking second look at recycling RFP" (Coast Reporter, Dec. 25), many interesting things were mentioned - only 300 tons of recyclables, and we are a small community.
Picking and choosing bylaws

Picking and choosing bylaws

Editor: The new animal control bylaw currently under consideration by the District of Sechelt (Coast Reporter, Dec. 25) certainly gives pause for thought.
An APB on common sense

An APB on common sense

Editor: It's time to put out an APB on common sense. We already have a leash bylaw that isn't enforced and too often not respected. Interpretation is the problem. It's an easy fix. On leash equals no interpretation needed. Well, almost.
Not ignorance, but experience

Not ignorance, but experience

Editor: As someone whose close relative suffers from mental illness, I feel qualified to comment on Dr. Martiquet's latest column (Coast Reporter, Jan. 1).
Thanks for the warmth

Thanks for the warmth

Editor: My family and I went to Dakota Ridge right before Christmas to check out the snow and go for a cross country ski. As usual it was absolutely beautiful. But what was really great was the warmth of the warming hut.
Bylaw is sad and laughable

Bylaw is sad and laughable

Editor: We would like to thank Coun. Keith Thirkell and others (with the exception of two) for their hard work on behalf of us, the taxpayers, in creating a new bylaw that was badly needed.
More important issues than bylaw

More important issues than bylaw

Editor: Stop the presses! Sechelt council, are you going after cats for chasing birds next? How about children for chasing balls? If you pass this idiotic piece of dribble concerning the dog bylaw, whether it be with or without provocation, you deser