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Support the wildlife centre

Support the wildlife centre

Editor: The Gibsons Wildlife Rehabili-tation Centre is the only place on the Sunshine Coast where injured, sick and orphaned wildlife can be taken for help. The centre receives no government funding, relying on the public for support.
Not surprised by salmon returns

Not surprised by salmon returns

Editor: Re: "Salmon return brings pleasant surprises" (Coast Reporter, Nov. 13) We at the Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhance-ment Society were most pleased to see the pink salmon returns in the Gibsons area. However, we were not surprised at the event.
Farm support coming?

Farm support coming?

Local farmers could be getting some much-needed help, thanks to a private members bill introduced this week by New Democrat MLA Nicholas Simons.
OCP: now it's your turn

OCP: now it's your turn

Editor: A group of residents and non-resident landowners of West Howe Sound have been debating the future of this community for the past year as part of the official community plan (OCP) review. Now it's your turn.
All aboard the H1N1

All aboard the H1N1

Editor: The booming, authoritative voice of the coxswain was clear in the dim emergency lights as they made their way to the life boats.
Landfill: shoe on the other foot

Landfill: shoe on the other foot

Editor: Reading Carole Rubin's diatribe against me (Coast Reporter, Nov. 13) made me feel that if I am ever ambushed by a wildcat, I will know what to expect.
Apology is in order, SCRD

Apology is in order, SCRD

Editor: When the Elphinstone Electors and Robert Corlett stand shoulder to shoulder on an issue, one needs to remember the friendly banter that has gone on between us. I have read the Oct.
Shopping at home is a crafty idea

Shopping at home is a crafty idea

It's mid-November on the Sunshine Coast, and that can only mean one thing - bazaar and craft fair time. I don't know about you, but those homey sales are something I look forward to all year.
One deer is no one's problem

One deer is no one's problem

Editor: What a day. Yesterday (Friday, Nov. 13) a bear tore the door off the duck house that was holding the bunnies. They are OK. And today (Saturday) a fair sized two-year-old male deer was hit by a car and died on my front lawn.
Sidelines are forever changed

Sidelines are forever changed

The Sunshine Coast lost a good one last week. After a courageous three-year fight with cancer, Reg Thomas passed away Thursday, Nov. 12. He was 75. Reg was a special, special man. His involvement in our community was amazing.