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Not on track for seniors

Not on track for seniors

Editor: The timing of our MP John Weston's latest 10 percenter (those little "promotional" pamphlets that Mr. Weston is so fond of sending out) extolling the efforts of the Conservatives on seniors' issues, couldn't be worse.
Reconsider Day Road logging

Reconsider Day Road logging

The following letter was sent to Island Timberlands and copied to Coast Reporter. I write you hoping to encourage a reconsideration regarding an area in Roberts Creek at the end of Day Road.
Beware of DriveABLE

Beware of DriveABLE

Editor: The DriveABLE program wants to take your licence away. That's its purpose. If you get a letter from the Motor Vehicle branch requiring you to take a computer test, it's deadly serious.
Is golf course a jewel?

Is golf course a jewel?

Editor: Re: Letter from Brian Baggs (Coast Reporter, Feb. 3) Brian, you certainly have a right to your opinion, as I have to mine, but to attack me personally, I believe you have gone too far.
Some recycling context

Some recycling context

Editor: Since much of the data on the recycling contract (Coast Reporter, Aug. 10) is out of context, the public must be held blameless if they misunderstand the article. The 18-month contract expense of $297,000, mentioned twice, is not the point.
More communication needed from Weston

More communication needed from Weston

Editor: I am very disappointed by the lack of meaningful communication from the conservative government and our member of Parliament, John Weston.
All aboard the justice reform train

All aboard the justice reform train

It was an interesting endeavour to make the rounds through the Coastal legal community on an exploratory effort for this week's news feature.
VCH responds to column

VCH responds to column

Editor: Re: "Health cut hits close to home" (Coast Reporter, Feb. 3).
Stalling the development of natural resources

Stalling the development of natural resources

Editor: I am pleased that we finally have a Prime Minister with economic plans for Canada expounded at Davos that extend beyond the next election and are not solely concerned with the winning of the next election.
Traffic calming does work

Traffic calming does work

Editor: Re: Gibsons bus route letter (Coast Reporter, Jan. 27).