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Budding star qualifies for Summer Games

Madison Shoemaker is hardly ever seen these days without her tennis racket. It's no wonder she loves the game so much. At just 10 years old, the Pender Harbour girl is a rising tennis star on the Coast. She qualified for the B.C.

Canada's top racers set to do battle

The stage is set for Canada's top adventure racers to compete at the first ever Mind Over Mountain Adventure Race (MOMAR) in Sechelt. On Saturday, June 12, teams will arrive from all over B.C.

Senior boys claim North Shore title

Chatelech Secondary School won its first high school mountain biking championship last week after the senior boys claimed the North Shore title.

Mountain bikers sizzle in Summerland

Local riders were in sunny Summerland during the Victoria Day long weekend attending the first of six B.C. Cup mountain bike events. Fortunately, after heavy rains Saturday night, the skies cleared for Sunday and the main event.

Longboarders roll through Pender Harbour

For a few sunny hours last Sunday, Pender Harbour dropped its sleepy backwater status and became a frenzied hub of extreme athletics.

Hong Kong team coming to Outrigger Race

This year's Howe Sound Outrigger Race will have an Asian influence after a women's team from Hong Kong secured an entry this week. The team representing the Hong Kong Outrigger Club will compete in the women's open event.

Lamb puts on her coaching cap

Halfmoon Bay's Madison Lamb will spend the summer in Toronto trying to give back a little something to the sport she loves. Lamb has been invited by Team Canada coach Justine Siegel to be a guest coach for three weeks at a clinic in Toronto.

Chili Peppers red hot and ready

The Calgary Flames might be on fire in the Stanley Cup playoffs, but a volleyball team from the Coast is also on a hot streak of their own as they head to "Cow Town" this weekend.

Squamish dominates Ya Yas' tourney

Mother Nature provided fine weather and 20 teams provided some lovely football (soccer to the Philistines) at last weekend's Xenichen Ya Yas' seven-a-side tournament.

All geared up for second relay

With 32 teams registered for the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Relay For Life, close to 400 people will be walking, running and jogging through the night in support of the Canadian Cancer Society.