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Local News

HSPP curtails newsprint production

The labour woes continue at Howe Sound Pulp and Paper (HSPP). Just weeks after announcing the layoff of 101 employees, HSPP is cutting back its newsprint production due to shrinking demand in newsprint markets.

Man rescued after accident

Sunshine Coast Search and Rescue (SAR) used a rope rescue to save a man after a fall on Wednesday. In the early morning hours of April 1, police received a report of a missing person somewhere in the Sechelt/Gray creek forest service road area.

First Nations demand consultation

Two Sunshine Coast First Nations have sent a letter to organizations opposed to independent power projects demanding consultation and chastising the groups for "profound ignorance, paternalistic behaviour and outright dismissal or our rights and titl

Lagoon Society presents art project

The Lagoon Society is seeking participation from Sunshine Coast residents of all ages in an exciting new community art project at the Iris Griffith Centre.

Charges laid against alleged shooter

Ian Jacques/Editor Ten charges were laid Wednesday afternoon against a female allegedly responsible for shooting a manager at Good Samaritan Christenson Village in Gibsons on Tuesday.

The Spirit of our Grandmothers rides the waves

"Can you take a picture of the grandfathers?" the woman asks. Circling above the crowd gathered to witness the naming of the canoe ceremony are two majestic eagles.

Budget passes with grim mood

The 2009 Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) budget - with tax increases and little change to services - passed March 26 amid consternation from board directors.

Two men charged after violent confrontation

Brent Richter/Staff Writer Two Sechelt men are facing a host of charges after a bloody assault last Thursday night. According to Sunshine Coast RCMP, on March 19, a man walked in to St. Mary's Hospital, bleeding, and then collapsed.

District releases preliminary budget

The public got a first look at the District of Sechelt's 2009 budget at Wednesday's committee of the whole meeting. "This is an overview. We'll do the broad brush strokes first," said corporate financial officer Andrea deBucy.

Coast champions for H20

For too many of us, turning on the tap and getting clean drinkable water is something we take for granted.