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Local News

Conference highlights childcare

The 2006 Exploration and Discovery Sunshine Coast Child Care and Parenting Conference saw a crowd of over 65 parents and childcare workers take in some entertaining and informative presentations on everything from parachute play to peaceful parenting

Exchange students enrich the Coast

A group of talented young people from across Canada, South Africa and Namibia has been living on the Sunshine Coast and volunteering in our communities for just over two weeks now.

Business winners announced

Fifty businesses entered the Town of Gibsons Com-munities in Bloom Bloomin' Business contest. The five grand prize winners were announced on Sept. 26.

Learn the secret

"The secret has existed throughout the history of humankind. It has been discovered, coveted, suppressed, hidden, lost and recovered. It has been hunted down, stolen and bought for vast sums of money.

Public says no to BC-EBC

The local meeting with British Columbia's Electoral Boundaries Commission (BC-EBC) saw a consensus among participants not to change our boundaries or the number of MLAs serving our area.

Tourists OK after driving off Skookumchuck trail

On Monday Oct. 2, the Sunshine Coast RCMP responded to a call for assistance involving a stranded vehicle and occupants within the Skookumchuck Narrows Provincial Park. Upon arrival it was learned six tourists from Delta, B.C.

District wants skatepark

The District of Sechelt is looking to gain control of the Sechelt skatepark, and Mayor Cam Reid said the District was planning to meet with the school board on Thursday, Oct. 5 to "work out the details.

Looking back on 20 years of self-government

The faceless wooden figures symbolizing the Sechelt First Nations people's lost identities under the federal Indian Act are once again getting a visit from the chief.

District launches legal action

The District of Sechelt has launched legal action against Chris Cutlan for his use of an accessory building as a bed and breakfast accommodation at the Tuwanek Hotel development, which is in contravention of the District's current accessory building

Celebrate return of the salmon

Hosted by the Sun-shine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society, the Rivers Day Salmon Festival on Saturday, Oct. 14, promises to be an exciting event. The celebration will be happening from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.