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Driving lessons in order

Driving lessons in order

There are a few people out there who need to go back to driving school. This week I witnessed a number of near accidents on our roads and highways. It's a miracle no one was seriously injured.
"If we don't do it, who will?"

"If we don't do it, who will?"

This question was posed within the opening remarks at last weekend's Gibsons and Area Economic Development Conference by Dr.
Tougher sentences needed

Tougher sentences needed

The justice system in this province needs some serious work. For proof of that you need only look at one case this week in provincial court in Sechelt that has us questioning the sentence handed down to a father who molested his 10-year-old daughter.
Oprah is on the mind

Oprah is on the mind

The new prime minister is struggling with the biggest government scandal in recent memory. The B.C. government has just announced its new budget. But the number one topic of coffee shop chitchat on the Coast this week is Oprah.
Be a responsible pet owner

Be a responsible pet owner

In recent weeks, numerous reports of dog attacks have surfaced on the Sunshine Coast.Two accounts of such attacks have appeared in the letters section of Coast Reporter. In both cases, the owner of the animal was nowhere to be found.
No room for mentally ill prisoners

No room for mentally ill prisoners

It was shocking news last week to hear of the death of a mother, allegedly killed by her own son in Langdale.
Are budget cuts looming?

Are budget cuts looming?

The next session of the B.C. Legislature kicked off on Tuesday with the B.C. Liberals' throne speech. The 32-page report was filled with promises of education initiatives, and served as a prelude to this Tuesday's budget announcement.
What was he thinking?

What was he thinking?

Last week Sunshine Coast Regional District director Adrian Belshaw may have put his foot in his mouth when he publicly told police to stop busting marijuana growers. We're curious as to where Mr.
Can't we all just get along?

Can't we all just get along?

I've been living on the Sunshine Coast for a little over a year since taking over as editor in January, 2003. It's taken me a while to get to know some people and get up to snuff on the issues affecting us here on the Coast.
A fighter until the end

A fighter until the end

As I boarded the ferry last week, I knew the purpose of my trip to Vancouver was to say good-bye to my grandmother.