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Lack of answers troubling

Lack of answers troubling

There's quite a battle brewing between the Sechelt Indian Band and residents of Pender and Egmont. At issue are foreshore rights and aboriginal title. It's difficult to take sides in this issue because both groups make pretty good cases.
The stigma of mental illness

The stigma of mental illness

So here's the thing: I have a problem with depression. I know what you're thinking.
Golden brews and back-to-work blues

Golden brews and back-to-work blues

The sun was beaming down on a cloudless day, my cup was filled with a golden brew, I was sitting 10 rows up behind home plate, and I wondered if life could get any better than this.
Voting by numbers

Voting by numbers

For those wondering how the CBC could have made the colossal election-night error of declaring John Reynolds had lost, the poll-by-poll results from Elections Canada provide fascinating insights.
Election hangovers

Election hangovers

It's the morning after. A day for candidates to either pat themselves on the back (never a shortcoming of any politician) or kick themselves a little lower in the same vicinity (never a habit of any politician).
An undecided voter

An undecided voter

With election day looming, I'm undecided, despite - or perhaps because of - hours of listening to debates. Since I'm not truly inspired to vote for any party, I'll try a process of elimination.John Reynolds: no.
A three-ring circus

A three-ring circus

Anyone who tuned in to Tuesday night's election debate looking for answers probably tuned out pretty quickly.
What's lurking in the sandbox?

What's lurking in the sandbox?

I recently met two little girls at Hackett Park who informed me I shouldn't let my one-year-old daughter run barefoot in the sand because "there's needles and glass in there." I gave them a puzzled look and asked how they knew that.
Pop open the champagne

Pop open the champagne

As I sit at my office staring out my window trying to get through another deadline week, I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it. The pressure of another week and fighting to get out another edition.
Heroes and villains remembered

Heroes and villains remembered

What a difference a week makes. This past Sunday, the Sunshine Coast stopped to honour heroes from another century - the men and women, some then as young as 16, who stepped forward to stop the onslaught of Hitler and his cronies on our world.