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G20: brutality in the streets

G20: brutality in the streets

Editor: Am I like Robinson Crusoe, stranded alone on a desert island? On the days on and after the G20 meeting, I was glued to the television watching the mayhem in the streets of Toronto.
Taxpayers cover waved DCCs

Taxpayers cover waved DCCs

Editor: Re: waiving of development cost charges (District of Sechelt council briefs, Coast Reporter, June 25).
The year Canada Day changed

The year Canada Day changed

Bad citizen though it doubtless makes me, I've always found Canada Day pretty underwhelming. Sure, I've always enjoyed the day off.
GPAG supports Alternate School

GPAG supports Alternate School

Editor: Gibsons Public Art Gallery (GPAG) supports Jesse Day's letter (Coast Reporter, June 25) praising the Alternative School. GPAG has partnered twice with the school to display young people's art work.
Business tax must be reduced

Business tax must be reduced

Editor: The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) visited both Gibsons Mayor Barry Janyk and Sechelt Mayor Darren Inkster to discuss the negative impact of the increasing tax burden on small business and to get their support to bring bac
Vandalism: or was it a bear?

Vandalism: or was it a bear?

Editor: I chuckled when I read your exposé on the Sechelt-area trees that have been vandalized (Coast Reporter, June 18).
Coyotes come out day and night

Coyotes come out day and night

Editor: With respect to Sarah Vatnsdal's letter regarding coyotes, (Coast Reporter, June 25) she is indeed correct in asserting that the coyote problem is the direct result of human encroachment on its habitat.
Sharing coyote concerns

Sharing coyote concerns

Editor: Further to Lynda Begg's letter of June 18, as 23-year residents of the Coast, we share her concern with the dramatic increase of the coyote population. We have followed up on the problem in our area with the Town of Gibsons.
Pets being held hostage

Pets being held hostage

Editor: To comment on Lynda Beggs' letter to the editor June 18, I live just off Norwest Bay Road and over the last few years have also seen a dramatic increase in the coyote population.
A Canadian champion

A Canadian champion

Happy Canada Day! Sometimes it's nice to be able to put a face to the things we like so much about Canada: someone who personifies tolerance of, assistance to and respect for their fellow citizens, and in many cases extends that same graciousness to