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Why dump on our property?

Editor: In the last 18 months we've had household garbage, recyclables, construction bits and pieces, an old door, a child's sled, a candle stand, a tractor tire and even a car dumped on our property.


In the last 18 months we've had household garbage, recyclables, construction bits and pieces, an old door, a child's sled, a candle stand, a tractor tire and even a car dumped on our property. Quite some time after being dumped and before being towed, the car was ignited and burned to bare metal.

The biggest nuisance is proving to be a landscaper or someone doing extensive work on his/her own property. So far, our secret gardener has left evergreens still in the root balls, pots of various sizes, grass clippings, sods and pallets.

We've had our 'Private Property' and 'No Dumping' signs torn down twice. Yesterday (Aug. 18) we put up new signs on trees and two more screwed to a pallet that had been left behind. Today (Aug. 19) the pallet was found completely dismantled and the signs chucked onto the garbage pile along with some dead palm fronds.

How can people show such disrespect for the land? How is it that a gardener can be resourceful enough to do their own gardening, load up their truck and then dump it on someone else property? It's complete disregard for our private property and the environment.

Wendy Wilde

Roberts Creek