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Welcome to Harmonized tax

Editor: I welcome the harmonized sales tax, for it reminds and resolves me to spend and make do with less and less; to simplify; to revel in small is beautiful; to get it from Mother Earth instead of a store; to delight in making and growing it mysel


I welcome the harmonized sales tax, for it reminds and resolves me to spend and make do with less and less; to simplify; to revel in small is beautiful; to get it from Mother Earth instead of a store; to delight in making and growing it myself; to be willing to trade and to barter; to commit myself more deeply to the informal and underground economy; to practice survival skills I am going to increasingly need in the future; to work harder at becoming downwardly immobile; to divorce myself as far as possible from everything official; to continue to turn on, tune in and drop out; and to rejoice as I become freer and freer from the system.

Peter Light

Roberts Creek