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Pool repairs: more answers please

Editor: Further to the article "SCRD might sue over pool" (Coast Reporter, Jan. 27), I along with a large number of friends attend aquafit classes at the pool.


Further to the article "SCRD might sue over pool" (Coast Reporter, Jan. 27), I along with a large number of friends attend aquafit classes at the pool. The leadership in these classes is excellent and we have a great social time as well as working on our fitness. Ironically, one of the most common topics of conversation has to do with our observations about what seems to be major ongoing repairs to the facility.

We are amazed and dismayed that a facility only a few years old has had to undergo so many upgrades in such a short time. We are left with many unanswered questions such as:is there no warranty with this facility as there would be with residential construction? Why have there been so many repairs? What has been the cost of these repairs and upgrades? Who was and who is responsible for what appears to be the flawed infrastructure in this facility? Is there an end in sight to these repairs? In this age of sophisticated recreational facility design and construction, how can it be that this kind of frequency of repair has occurred? If our politicians have been irresponsible in not exercising due diligence in the planning, design and supervision of the construction of the Aquatic Centre, what should be the consequences? Where does the buck stop?

I am raising this matter publicly because I believe many people would like answers to this repair syndrome.

We are fortunate in having this kind of facility in our community and the fine staff that organizes and leads programs. The missing ingredient that many of us see is the actual integrity of the facility itself, and we would like to know why this is so. Many Aquatic Centre patrons respectfully would like to have some answers, please.

Gary Pennington

Roberts Creek