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Value mushroom culture

Editor: An open letter to Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF): I want to initially advise you that SCCF blocks in the area of the Historic Railway Grade off Big Fir access road is an area of very fine mycological significance.


An open letter to Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF): 

I want to initially advise you that SCCF blocks in the area of the Historic Railway Grade off Big Fir access road is an area of very fine mycological significance. 

I have been harvesting mushrooms in that area for at least the past 20 years. Proposed logging will eliminate useful mushroom harvest there for at least 60 years. Areas like this will peak in matsutake mushroom opportunities at about 150 years of tree stand age. 

There are fewer and fewer opportunities available to a growing segment of the community for personal and commercial mushroom picking. 

Clearcut logging eliminates these opportunities for at least 60 years when useful (to the community) mushroom culture will begin to re-establish itself. Following that a succession of mushroom varieties that are of value will also re-establish themselves. Eventually the most valuable of mushroom local assets, (white-pine) matsutake, will start re-establishing. 

A significant diversity of others mushrooms thrive mainly in old growth forests and are of great interest to a growing number of Sunshine Coasters. 

In summary, current forestry logging programs are reducing opportunities for a growing number of residents and visitors. This growth is exemplified by the turnout at mushroom festivals such as the one at Pender Harbour, which is only deferred this year due to the pandemic. 

There is no way to have personal and commercial wild mushroom opportunities without forests of suitable ages. 

Also, like anadromous salmonid culture, most mushroom culture helps forest to grow and remain healthy. 

I implore Sunshine Coat Community Forest to recognize the value of mycology in our forests. 

Respond to the community that enjoys and depends upon useful mushroom culture for lifestyle, sustenance and income. 

John R. Dafoe, Halfmoon Bay