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Letters: Yes, 'urban infill' belongs in my backyard

'The occasional duplex is a welcome change to streets lined with cookie-cutter bungalows. I’d rather this property be re-zoned to house more than one family, than see more land de-forested for yet another subdivision of single-family dwellings.'
Rezoning application for 6401 Apple Orchard Road.


Brenda Sopel wrote “’urban infill’ is meant for the Village area and not West Sechelt.” (Letters Dec. 16 2022). 

That’s about as NIMBY as one could get. As a resident of West Sechelt living near Apple Orchard, I applaud better use of the land. The occasional duplex is a welcome change to streets lined with cookie-cutter bungalows. I’d rather this property be re-zoned to house more than one family, than see more land de-forested for yet another subdivision of single-family dwellings. While one property does not solve housing issues, one property is a move towards housing alternatives and changing how we think about our neighbourhood. One property zoned at a higher density is acceptable in my backyard. 

Beth Pitblado, Sechelt