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Golf course: an interesting dilemma for council

Editor: Re: Offer to run golf course takes back seat to RFP (Coast Reporter, Feb. 3) Let's see if I am getting this right. In your story Coun.


Re: Offer to run golf course takes back seat to RFP (Coast Reporter, Feb. 3)

Let's see if I am getting this right.

In your story Coun. Alice Lutes was quoted as saying "We really don't know that much about operating a golf course," so it is full speed ahead without a game plan. A newly elected council foreclosing on a lease of a golf course that has been operating for almost 20 years? Since the council does notreally have much knowledge in operating a golf course they named a advisory committee that are notprivy to any future proposal that may be chosen.Making sure that the choice of foreclosure is acceptable, the knowledge lacking council then hires an interim manager with limited golf course management experience for $7,000 a month to oversee the daily operation of a facility confiscated from the shareholders of the Sechelt Golf and Country Club.Hopefully I am wrong, but somehow I feel our mayor and council illogically said ready, aim and fire.

The previous council had a tough time dealing with the Target Marine issue. Now our new council without much golf courseoperating knowledge must now deal with the golf course issue. Stay tuned folks. This is going to be veryinteresting for the taxpayers of Sechelt.

Ed Beketa
