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Driving behaviour appalling

Editor: I am not a person who likes to vent in public, but recently, I reached a breaking point.


I am not a person who likes to vent in public, but recently, I reached a breaking point.

On a daily basis I find myself and family placed in dangerous situations because of a general disregard for the safety and adherence to the rules of the road.

Recently I stopped behind a car turning into the mall off the highway. As the car turned and I started to proceed, a truck passed me on the right (illegally) and almost caused an accident. My daughter was in the passenger seat.

I am no longer surprised by the number of local drivers who run red lights, stop signs and yield signs, speed, tailgate, cut people off or pass on the right on the highway. I am only surprised by the fact that there are not more deaths as a result of this blatant behaviour. If you want to risk your own life, find a better place to do it, because my family deserves to be safe.

Lennea Perpet, Sechelt