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Coyotes are innocent creatures

Editor: Re: "Coyote increase is disturbing" (Coast Reporter letters, June 18). I have spent most of my life living in North Vancouver, and have had coyotes around me for 30 years. They rarely come out during the day.


Re: "Coyote increase is disturbing" (Coast Reporter letters, June 18).

I have spent most of my life living in North Vancouver, and have had coyotes around me for 30 years. They rarely come out during the day. I've had them all around me, and a few times they have followed me. I just jump at them and they turn and run.

The reason we are getting more and more in this area is due to the trees coming down and the houses going up. We are taking their homes and food away from them, so they are coming further out to find some. Mostly cats, but also dogs, are their main course.

If you let your cat or dog out at night, don't be surprised if they don't come home. I do know how it feels, as I have lost a cat to a coyote. Nowadays my cats go out only during the day, never the night. You can't teach coyotes anything, but pet owners can teach themselves something, so why should coyotes have to die for what we are causing due to greed? Coyotes are innocent creatures. We are the guilty ones.

Sarah Vatnsdal

West Sechelt