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Editor: Sad as it is that bullying continues to pervade our youth's social climate, as evidenced by the recent tragic results documented in various media, it is also shocking to see that bullying has permeated our Coastal adult society.


Sad as it is that bullying continues to pervade our youth's social climate, as evidenced by the recent tragic results documented in various media, it is also shocking to see that bullying has permeated our Coastal adult society.

Witness the public hearing on Gospel Rock, held Oct. 11, at the Elphinstone Secondary School gym.

This hearing was well organized by our Town's staff. Directly alongside the speakers' registration lineup was a series of very clear reminders, posted on the wall, of the procedures and protocol governing speakers' behaviour, and that council was bound to not debate any points proffered by the speakers. Council was there to listen and possibly ask any questions for clarification - that's all.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but must own up to their responsibility for that opinion. As such, many of those who spoke should now be ashamed of their behaviour.

There was far too much berating, baiting and open harassment of three members of council. I say three, because it is obvious that many of the bullying speakers - and their declared affiliation with various "stakeholder" organizations - also enjoy a close relationship with two members of council who have continually tried to delay or modify the Gospel Rock plan, dating back to at least 2008.

The fact is that this council has had jurisdiction and responsibility for this plan for only 11 months and, with the Town staff, has tried to improve it. The true responsibility for this plan lay with previous councils.

To verbally attack this council not only does not accurately target those responsible for this plan, but also irresponsibly exceeds the published protocol for a public hearing. Since council is obliged to not respond, such behaviour is bullying, pure and simple!

Brian K. Sadler, Gibsons