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National men's team camp coming to the Coast

The coaching staff from the Canadian Men's National Volleyball team is coming to set up shop on the Sunshine Coast. A two-day evaluation camp is set for March 20 and 21 at Chatelech Secondary School.

The coaching staff from the Canadian Men's National Volleyball team is coming to set up shop on the Sunshine Coast.

A two-day evaluation camp is set for March 20 and 21 at Chatelech Secondary School. The camp, featuring men's national coach Stelio DeRocco and University of British Columbia coach Richard Shick, is just one of several identification camps the national team has planned this year across the country.

The Sunshine Coast was selected to host the Vancouver and area event after Quinn Campbell, volleyball coach at Chat and coach with the Sunshine Coast Volleyball Club (SCVC), saw an application request on the national team website.

"I put forth a proposal and really tried to sell the Coast and the beautiful facility we have here at Chat," Campbell said. "To be honest, I didn't think we really had a chance, what with all the facilities available in the Lower Mainland. They contacted me and said they were very impressed with the application and wanted to come here. I think it's going to be an unbelievable event. Every time I talk to Stelio and the rest of the coaches, they seem more and more excited about coming here."

According to DeRocco, day one of the camp will concentrate on skill development, while day two will focus more on team play.

"Quinn's enthusiasm really sold it for us," DeRocco said on Monday from national team headquarters in Winnipeg. "Last year we held similar identification camps in Alberta, Montreal and Winnipeg. This year we wanted a chance for Vancouver-based athletes to take part in an event closer to home and make sure they have the same opportunities as other athletes across the country."

The camp will feature university-based and college athletes from the Lower Mainland and from other post-secondary institutions in the province. Players can find out more about the camp through Volleyball B.C.

"It's important that we get to the grass roots level and look for future players for the national men's team, the junior team and our youth development programs," DeRocco said. "We scout players throughout the year, but this is an opportunity for players to come out, be seen and get some tips that they can then take back with them to their own team and use to help improve their game."

Even though the Sunshine Coast doesn't have a high-calibre men's program, DeRocco said that didn't play a factor when they chose the Sunshine Coast for the event.

"Who says you have to remain in the big city?" DeRocco asked. "We were very impressed and overwhelmed by Quinn's enthusiasm to see this event happen. When you go to non-traditional areas that are uncustomary, you can sometimes have a greater impact. This is also an opportunity for us to promote the national program in an area that is probably unfamiliar with what we are all about."

The men's program is currently in full steam for Olympic qualifying.

The men's team will be going to Japan in May for a last chance qualifier for the Olympics, while the junior team is also training for a major qualifying tournament set for Edmonton in June.

Campbell said limited spectator seating would be available during the camp at Chat. He also said the SCVC will probably set up a small concession stand as a club fund-raiser.

Besides the two-day camp, a banquet is being organized for Saturday night with the Driftwood Inn serving as tournament headquarters. On Sunday night at Chat, DeRocco will be a keynote speaker at an athletic night.

"We'll be inviting all young athletes from the Coast from any sport," Campbell said. "This is a chance to learn about the national program and what it takes to become an athlete at this level. I think it will be a very informative and interesting evening for all our young athletes on the Coast."