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Rowe scores in hockey contest

Brenda Rowe has scored a big one for the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association (SCMHA).

Brenda Rowe has scored a big one for the Sunshine Coast Minor Hockey Association (SCMHA).

After Canadians in the Pacific region cast nearly 450,000 votes, Rowe was one of four winners of $20,000 for their hockey association in the Kraft Hockey Goes On Contest.

Curt Thorne from Golden received the most votes and won a $100,000 award, while Rowe, Dennis Berarducci from Revelstoke, Ken Koshey from Trail and Marty Floris from Vanderhoof each won $20,000.

"Awesome, Brenda, and thank you from all of us for your selfless dedication to keeping our association so vibrant," said an enthusiastic message on the SCMHA website. "Thanks to everyone on the Sunshine Coast who voted for Brenda. Thanks to Kraft for their support."

For Rowe, hockey is more than just a game. In addition to serving as fundraising director for the SCMHA, she also teaches young players to give back to their community through volunteer initiatives like Christmas hamper programs, blanket drives for the homeless and clothing and food drives. Often working with little to no resources, Rowe ensures that children on the Sunshine Coast are able to benefit from the lessons learned through hockey.

She was also instrumental in organizing the Vancouver Canucks charity alumni game in January that raised thousands for the association.

"I certainly feel very blessed to live here. It doesn't matter what the project is, the community is just so supportive," said Rowe. "I know there were some families that voted non-stop and people really reached out through Facebook. We had contacts all over the world that were voting for my page."

Rowe said the association would be meeting soon to determine how best to utilize the funds.

"It will be a nice injection for sure," she said. "Whatever we do it will be to support development either through camps or to help some kids through the hardship fund. I do have to say that this is a team effort. We have a really strong board and without that kind of support you can't be successful. They are really supportive of every crazy idea I have come up with. Lisa, our secretary, nominated me and she is certainly a special soul. No woman is an island, as they say."

Through the program, Kraft Hockey Goes On awarded $1 million to Hockey Canada-affiliated minor hockey associations, including $100,000 awarded to Hockey Canada's Learn to Skate programs.

In January, Canadians were invited to share their passion for the game by recognizing local supporters who make hockey happen in communities across Canada by entering a nomination at A panel of judges then selected the top 100 finalists, who moved on to a voting period on March 23 and 24.

The Kraft Hockey Goes On partners - Christie, TSN, RDS and Hockey Canada - would like to thank and congratulate all the nominees who participated in the program. To view a congratulatory video from TSN, see